Where available, links are provided to the online version of each articles. Others can be downloaded from Academia.edu. Students and researchers can also email me directly to request a copy.
Pitura, J., & Sauro, S. (2018). (Eds.). CALL for mobility. Berlin: Peter Lang.
Buendgens-Kosten, J., Cornillie, F., & Sauro, S. (2023). Teaching (multi) literacies, supporting multilingual identities: Plurilingual writing in an interactive fiction project. Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen, 52(2), 72-89. doi: 10.24053/flul-2023-0022
Hell, A., & Sauro, S. (2021). Swedish as a second language teachers’ perceptions and experiences with CALL for the newly arrived. CALICO Journal, 38(2), 202-221.
Sauro, S. (2016). Does CALL have an English problem? Language Learning & Technology, 20(3), 1-8.
Thorne, S.L., Sauro, S., & Smith, B. (2015). Technologies, identities, and expressive activity. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 35, 215-233.
Sauro, S. (2012). L2 performance in text-chat and spoken discourse. System, 40, 335-348.
Sauro, S., & Smith, B. (2010). Investigating L2 performance in text chat. Applied Linguistics, 31(4), 554-577.
Smith, B., & Sauro, S. (2009). Interruptions in chat. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 22(3), 229-247.
Pica, T., Kang, H., & Sauro, S. (2006). Information Gap Tasks: Their Multiple Roles and Contributions to Interaction Research Methodology. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 28(2), 301-338.
Contributions to Edited Volumes
Sauro, S. (2020). Fan fiction and informal language learning. In M. Dressler & R.W. Sadler (Eds.) The handbook of informal language learning (pp. 139-151). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Pitura, J., & Sauro, S. (2018). Introduction. In J. Pitura & S. Sauro (Eds.), CALL for mobility (pp. 7-10). Berlin: Peter Lang.
Sauro, S. (2018). CALL (computer-assisted language learning) and feedback. In J. I. Liontas (Ed.), The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Sauro, S., & Chapelle, C.A. (2017). Toward langua-technocultural competence. In C.A. Chapelle & S. Sauro (Eds.), The handbook of technology and second language teaching and learning (pp. 459-472). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Chapelle, C.A., & Sauro, S. (2017). Introduction to the handbook of technology and second language teaching and learning. In C.A. Chapelle & S. Sauro (Eds.), The handbook of technology and second language teaching and learning (pp. 1-9). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Sauro, S. (2017). Fandom and online interest groups. In S.L. Thorne & S. May (Eds.), Language education and technology, Encyclopedia of language and education (pp. 1-12). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-02328-1_10-1
Sauro, S. (2016). Student perspectives on intercultural learning from an online teacher education partnership. In S. Jager, M. Kurek & B. O’Rourke (Eds.), New directions in telecollaborative research and practice: selected papers from the second conference on telecollaboration in higher education (pp. 83-88). Dublin Ireland: Research-publishing.net. https://doi.org/10.14705/rpnet.2016.telecollab2016.493
Sauro, S. (2014). Lessons from the fandom: Task models for technology-enhanced language learning. In M. González-Lloret & L. Ortega (Eds). Technology-mediated TBLT: Researching technology and tasks, (pp. 239-262). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Sauro, S. (2013). The cyber language exchange: Cross-national computer-mediated interaction. In A. Mackey & K. McDonough (Eds.). New perspectives in classroom interaction in second language research, (pp. 129-146). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Sauro, S. (2012). Computer-mediated communication and second language development. In C.A. Chapelle (Ed.) The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Sauro, S. (2012). Warschauer, Mark. In C.A. Chapelle (Ed.) The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Chapelle, C.A., Compton, L., Kon, E., & Sauro, S.(2003). Theory, research and practice in CALL: Making the links. In L. Lomicka & J. Cooke-Plagwitz (Eds.), Teaching with technology, (pp. 189-208). Boston: Heinle.
Sauro, S. (2003). In your students’ shoes: Learning a foreign language as professional development. In J. Egbert (Ed.), Becoming contributing professionals, (pp. 67-73). Alexandria, VA: TESOL Inc.
Book Reviews
Sauro, S. (2015). [Review of the books The language of social media: Identity and community on the Internet by P. Seargeant & C. Tagg (Eds.), Social interaction in second language chat rooms by C.J. Jenks, and Technology in interlanguage pragmatic research and teaching by N. Taguchi & J.M. Sykes (Eds.)]. Applied Linguistics 36(5), 651-654. doi: 10.1093/applin/amv008
Sauro, S. (2010). Review of ‘Always on: Language in an online and mobile world’ by N.S. Baron. Language Learning & Technology, 14(3), 19-22.
Sauro, S. (2010). Review of ‘Txtng:The gr8 db8’ by D. Crystal. Language in Society, 39(1), 135-136.
Sauro, S. (2008). Review of ‘Project-Based Second and Foreign Language Education: Past, Present, and Future’ by G.H. Beckett, & P.C. Miller (Eds.). Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 30(3), 412.
Sauro, S. (2006). Review of ‘Investigations in Instructed Second Language Acquisition’ by A. Housen, & M. Pierrard (Eds.). Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 28(4), 656-657.
Sauro, S. (2005). Review of ‘English Language Learning and Technology: Lectures on Applied Linguistics in the Age of Information and Communication Technology’ by C. Chapelle. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 27(3), 486-487.
Other Publications
Sauro, S., Flogie, A., Gutierrez, B.F., Martinc, U., Nicolaou, A., O’Dowd,R., & Zemljak, D. (2021). Developing virtual innovation and support networks for in-service and pre-service teachers. https://valiantproject.eu/researchpublications/
EVOLVE Project Team. (2020). The impact of virtual exchange on student learning in higher education. EVOLVE Project publication. http://hdl.handle.net/11370/d69d9923-8a9c4b37-91c6-326ebbd14f17
Sauro, S. (2013, October). Mobile technologies for language learning: Three guiding principles. Mobile-Assisted Language Learning Project, The International Research Foundation for English Language Education (TIRF).
Sauro, S. (2009). Standards for technology in TESOL. TexTESOL II Newsletter, 28(1), 3.
Sauro, S. (2006). A native speaker of English goes nonnative. Essential Teacher, 3(1).
Sauro, S. (2004). Cyberdiscursive tug-of-war: Learner repositioning in a multimodal CMC environment. Working Papers in Educational Linguistics, 19(2), 55-72.