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Summer 2009
Foundations of Second Language Acquisition (ESL 5013) - This course examines principles, processes, theories, and issues in first and second language acquisition and bilingualism with implications for language teaching. Students will be able to identify factors theorized to affect second language and bilingual development and to use their knowledge of second language development to critique and design pedagogical materials.
Spring 2009
Computer Assisted Language Learning (ESL 5073) - This course introduces students to the key roles and applications of technology in language teaching and language testing. Projects and assignments for this course will give students the opportunity to critically engage with research on CALL, to evaluate a range of technological applications for language teaching, and to gain hands on practical experience developing computer-enhanced or computer-mediated pedagogical activities. Among the applications used in this course is the class blog and a wiki.
Research Design & Statistics for Culture, Literacy, and Language (BBL 7013) - This course introduces students to research design considerations for quantitative studies in culture, literacy and language. Topics include the scientific method, formulating research questions for quantitative studies, methodological review of quantitative research, selecting appropriate statistical models, and instrument reliability and validity. Readings and assignments for this course will give students a framework for conceptualizing, designing, conducting, and analyzing quantitative research.
Fall 2008
Second Language Teaching & Learning (ESL 3023) - This course introduces pre-service teachers to applications of principles of second language acquisition, with particular attention to the needs of English language learners during the first years of schooling, to promote both language and academic development in Pre-K to 4th grade classrooms.
Linguistics for Second Language & BBL Specialists/Language & Schooling (ESL 5003/3003) - This joint graduate/undergraduate course introduces students to key concepts in linguistics, which are directed toward a broad understanding of human language, with particular attention to second language and bilingual contexts. The course has been designed for students with little or no previous work in linguistics and begins with an introduction of basic linguistic principles and relates these to second language teaching and learning contexts.