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Summer 2010
Foundations of Second Language Acquisition - Hybrid (ESL 5013) - This 40/60 hybrid graduate course combined synchronous (e.g. text- and voice-chat) and asynchronous (e.g. discussion board, online tasks) technologies to supplement face-to-face classroom meetings to examines principles, processes, theories, and issues in first and second language acquisition and bilingualism with implications for language teaching.
Spring 2010
Foundations of Second Language Acquisition/Principles of First and Second Language Acquisition (ESL 5013/4013) - This combined graduate/undergraduate course examines principles, processes, theories, and issues in first and second language acquisition and bilingualism with implications for language teaching. Students will be able to identify factors theorized to affect second language and bilingual development and to use their knowledge of second language development to critique and design pedagogical materials.
Research Design & Statistics for Culture, Literacy, and Language (BBL 7013) – This course introduces students to research design considerations for quantitative studies in culture, literacy and language. Topics include the scientific method, formulating research questions for quantitative studies, methodological review of quantitative research, and reliability and validity.
Fall 2009
Second Language Teaching & Learning (ESL 3023) - This course introduces pre-service teachers to applications of principles of second language acquisition, with particular attention to the needs of English language learners during the first years of schooling, to promote both language and academic development in Pre-K to 6th grade classrooms. Through a partnership with Communities in Schools, students will have the opportunity to complete 10 hours tutoring an English language learner in a local elementary school.
Advanced Second Language Literacy (ESL 6063) – This course examines current approaches and theories of second language literacy with a particular focus on learners with advanced levels of proficiency, specifically. Selected topics include the transition from high school literacy to college writing, the linguistic and rhetorical features of academic writing, negotiating the balance between too little and too much help during tutoring sessions, and teaching ESL writing online.
Seminar in Second Language Acquisition & Bilingualism (ESL 7233) – This doctoral seminar explores questions and current research in SLA from a cognitivist perspective. Constructs examined in this course include memory, implicit, explicit and incidental learning, attention, awareness, and noticing.